“To inculcate values and life skills among rural and tribal youth empowering them for social commitment.”
“To bring the rural and tribal students in the mainstream and make them responsible citizens through the qualitative higher education.”
- To impart quality based higher education for the rural and tribal students.
- To make the students acknowledgeable and responsible citizens.
- To provide platform to the students for overall development through sports, extension and co-curricular activities.
- To sustain the economically weaker students in higher education by creating helpful situation.
- To motivate the faculty for academic excellence and research.
- To undertake activities for empowering girl students.
- To undertake various activities for the creation of eco-friendly generations.
- To enable students to face the challenges of upcoming times.
Program Outcome
Faculty – Arts / Humanities / Social Sciences
- Students acquire the knowledge of concerned subjects such as History, Geography, Political Science, Defence Studies, Psychology, Sociology, Languages, etc.
- Students comprehend the basic concepts, theories and fundamental principles of different subjects.
- Written articles, novels, stories develop the moral and ethical values among the students.
- Literature creates mental, moral, aesthetic, intellectual development of students and make them responsible citizen
- Understood how issues in social science influence literature and how literature can provide solutions to the social issues.
- Students understand that the study of language, literature and social science help them to make a better and responsible citizen of the society.
- Participated in various extracurricular activities voluntarily.
- Emerged as a multifaceted personality who is self dependant; earning his own bread and butter and also create opportunities..
- Realized that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong process and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude are necessary qualities for leading a successful life.
- Developed various skills such as LSRW, Comprehension, Knowledge etc., which will help them in expressing ideas and views clearly and effectively
After graduating from science faculty, a student should have:
- Acquired knowledge of various subjects in basic sciences such as Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany, Computer Science, Electronics, Mathematics, etc
- Understood the basic concepts, fundamental principles, and scientific theories related to various scientific phenomena and their relevance in day-to-day life.
- Acquired skills in handling scientific instruments, planning and performing laboratory experiments. Analyzed the given scientific data critically and systematically and drawing objective conclusions.
- Been able to think creatively to propose novel ideas in explaining facts and figures or providing new solution to the problems.
- Realized the recent developments in any one-science subject and help them in the development of other science subjects and vice-versa.
- Developed scientific outlook not only with respect to science subjects but also in all aspects related to life.
- Realized that knowledge of subjects in other faculties such as humanities, performing arts, social sciences etc can greatly and effectively influence & inspire in evolving new scientific theories and inventions.
- Imbibed ethical, moral and social values in personal and social life leading to highly cultured and civilized personality.
- Developed various practical skills such as
- Realized that pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong activity and in combination with untiring efforts and positive attitude all necessary qualities for leading a successful life. Developed a flair for participating in various social and cultural activities voluntarily, in order to spread knowledge, creating awareness about the social evils, blind faith, etc
Program Specific Outcome
1.Students will acquaint with global language
2.Students communication and professional skills will be improved.
3.Students literary skills will be developed.
4.Students listening, reading and writing skills developed
5.Students will employ the knowledge of literary traditions to produce imaginative writing
6. Students will understand the various theories and concepts of English literature.
6.Students learn the history and culture of English language.
- Developed Attitude of Literary Forms.
- Developed Reading, Writing & Communications skills of Students.
- Know on about the history of Marathi Literature.
- Know about Literary Theory.
- Know about the history of Modern Marathi Literature.
- Developed Attitude of Marathi Linguistics & Grammar.
- Know the concept in Marathi Vangamay.
- Develop the Human Values.
Programme Specific Outcomes
After Completion of BA (Geography) Students are able to:
· Students understand the land forms and processes.
· Students comprehend the structure, composition of different spheres of the earth and its Atmosphere.
· Comprehend importance of oceans, rivers and water and find ways of their conservation.
· Students cope with the Function and types of Biogeography .
· Understand the science of Remote Sensing.
· Apply GIS & GPS software.
(Programme Specific Outcomes)
- Students were aware of various security challenges to India’s national security.
- Students understood the war planning, military strength, weapons, effects and military lessons of various wars fought on the Indian Territory.
- Students were aware of major challenges like Terrorism, Naxalism, Insurgency to the security of India.
- Students understood the problems due to WMD, NMD and proliferation of small arms to International peace and security.
- Students were aware about various global issues like environmental security, organized crime, technology and security, global crisis, human health.
Programme Specific Outcomes
· Develop Attitude of Literary Forms. (Hindi Poetry & Fiction) .
· Develop Reading, Writing & Communication Skills of Students.
· Get information about the history of ancient, medieval and modern Hindi Literature.
· Learn the literary works on the basis of the foundation laid by the scholars.
· Get information about Literary Theory.
· Develop Approach of Hindi Linguistics & Grammar.
(Programme Specific Outcomes)
On completion of the B.A. Sociology, Students are able to
- Understand structure of sociology, social groups, social process, culture and socialization, social control, social change.
- Understand the concept of social structure, marriage system, Family, religion, social Stratification, caste, class, challenge to state and society, unity and Diversity, secularism, communalism.
- Understand social problem and disorganization in Indian society.
- Understand basic concept in tribal, rural, urban and social movement in India.
Programme Specific Outcomes
1) Understand the basic information of Indian constitution.
2) Knows the Indian Democratic Process and its pillars.
3) Introduces various social movements in Maharashtra.
4) Understand the Rural and Urban Local Administration.
5) To know the Policy formation in India.
6) Analyses the new Trends in Management.
- Understand the basic themes, concepts, chronology and the Scope of Indian History.
- Understand the history of the countries other than India with comparative approach.
- Think and argue historically and critically in writing and discussion.
- Prepare for various types of Competitive Examinations
- Critically recognize the Social, Political, Economic and Cultural aspects of History.
- To study further in the applied field of history as archaeology.
- Use scientific reasoning to interpret psychological phenomena
- Demonstrate psychology information literacy
- Engage in innovative and integrative thinking and problem solving
- Interpret, design, and conduct basic psychological research
- Apply ethical standards to evaluate psychological science and practice
- Adopt values that build community
- Apply psychological content and skills to career goals
- Demonstrate effective teamwork skills
- Develop meaningful professional direction for life after graduation